Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Zubayi accuses government of allowing formation of militias

Zubayi accuses government of allowing formation of militias

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Talal al-Zubayi, of the Iraqiya Slate accused the Government of allowing the formation of militias and ignoring the destabilized security in some areas in Baghdad.

In a press conference held at the parliament building on Sunday he stated “As all sides desire the calm situation through the governmental tendency to respond to the demonstrators’ demands, we observe the continuity of the rapes inside the prisons and the detentions.”

“The Government is silent towards the arrest campaigns against the demonstrators and allows forming the militias,” he added.

“There is a security destabilized situation in some areas in Baghdad especially in Saydiya and Amiraya areas where the assassination crimes are in escalated levels,” he concluded.

Earlier, Batat threatened to form an armed group called Jaysh al-Mukhtar, to support the Government in confronting Qaeda and corruption.

It is worth mentioning that the Premier and Acting Minister of Interior, Nouri al-Maliki, called the citizens to cooperate with the security forces by giving information about the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Iraq, Wathiq al-Batat, to enable them to arrest him.

A statement by the Ministry of Interior received by IraqiNews.com cited “Maliki urges the citizens to inform the security forces about Batat’s place to arrest him and submit him to the judicial authorities.”