Saturday, September 28, 2024


Rafidein Slate warns of moving demonstrations in Baghdad

Rafidein Slate warns of moving demonstrations in Baghdad

Baghdad ( MP Imad Yohana of the Parliamentary Rafidein Slate warned from moving the demonstrations in a number of Iraqi provinces to Baghdad, stressing that “in case of moving them then they will take another blend and bad consequences.”

Yohana stated to Iraqi News ( “The demonstrations that are witnessed in some Iraqi provinces would not affect the diplomatic regional role of Iraq,” noting “The demonstrations happen in all the advanced world countries.”

“The current demonstrations in Iraq are still peaceful and did not turn into conflicts and clashes, so I do not think they will negatively affect the diplomatic role of Iraq,” he added.

The demonstrators of Anbar province have announced that they intend to hold unified prayer in Abu Hanifa mosque in central Baghdad on next Friday.