Wednesday, September 25, 2024


MP holds Maliki, Ministers of Justice, HR responsibility of injustice in Iraq

MP holds Maliki, Ministers of Justice, HR responsibility of injustice in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP Shayan Mohamed, member of the parliamentary Change bloc held the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki and the Ministers of Human Rights and Justice the injustice lived by Iraqis

of the injustice experienced by the Iraqi people, stressing “the solution of the current crisis lies in meeting the demonstrations’ demands.”

Shayan told Iraqi News ( “The solution to resolve the crisis suffered by Iraq is to resort to dialogue and meet the demonstrators’ demands which are more than 90% of them are legitimate.”

“The response to the masses’ demands is the best solution to address the crisis,” she added holding the Premier and the Ministers of Justice and HR responsibility of the injustice the Iraqis suffer from.”