Monday, September 23, 2024


Mutleg calls to close US Embassy, dismiss UNAMI’s employees in Iraq

Mutleg calls to close US Embassy, dismiss UNAMI\

Baghdad ( MP, Yasin al-Mutleg, of the Iraqiya Slate called to close the US Embassy in Iraq and to dismiss the UNAMI employees from Iraq due to their failure in protecting the Human Rights and the democratic process in the country.

He stated to “The presence of the US Embassy and the UNAMI provide legitimacy to the violations,” calling “The Demonstrators to add the demand of closing US Embassy and UNAMI office to their demands.”

“How is it possible for all the current violations and the exclusion practiced by the Government to take place under the presence of the Embassy of the great country that claims protecting the human rights and the democracy in the world,” he wondered.

“These two sides must not stay in Iraq due to their silence concerning the crisis that leads the country to the unknown,” he concluded.