Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Maliki: Recent surge of violence practical application for sectarian statements

Maliki: "Recent surge of violence practical application for sectarian statements"

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, stressed that “It is time for the sectarian voices to be silent and the voice of the moderation and wisdom to be raised.”

Maliki added in a statement over Sunday bombings in Baghdad “The recent terrorist operations should sensitize the citizens to the nature of the plan plotted for their country, security, and the future of their peaceful co-existence.”

He pointed out that “The seriousness of the tensed and sectarian statements is no less than the seriousness of the terrorist operations, noting “Unfortunately, these terrorist operations receive support from internal and external sides.”

“The bombings that took place on Sunday in Baghdad is a practical application for those sectarian statements that aim to push the other sides to do similar reactions to complete their malicious scheme,” the Premier added.

Maliki called all “The political and intellectual sides, civil society organizations, and the tribal figures to consolidate solidarity,” stressing “the necessity of the cooperation with the security forces to confront what he described as (current wave of instigation).”

Baghdad witnessed on Sunday a spate of car bomb explosions that targeted people markets, where dozens of civilians were killed and injured.