Saturday, September 21, 2024


Vehicle ban in Mosul ahead of elections

NINEWA / A vehicle ban was imposed on Friday in Mosul and will continue for the whole day before the provincial council elections, a source from the Ninewa operations command said. “Security authorities imposed a ban on vehicles in Mosul from 8:00am on Friday (Jan. 30) until 8:00am on Saturday (Jan. 31),” the source told news agency. “The authorities will impose a curfew as of 2:00pm on Friday until 5:00am on Saturday,” he added. The provincial council elections are scheduled to be held on Saturday January 31 in Iraq’s 18 provinces save Kirkuk and the three autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region provinces of Arbil, Sulaimaniya, and Duhuk. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SH (P) 1