Sunday, September 22, 2024


U.S. forces kill 2 Iraqi policemen in Mosul

NINEWA / U.S. army forces on Saturday killed two Iraqi policemen at a checkpoint in southeastern Mosul city, a security source in the province of Ninewa said. “U.S. soldiers opened fire on an Iraqi police checkpoint in Falastine neighborhood, southeastern Mosul, killing two policemen,” the source told news agency. On the other hand, a spokesman for the U.S. forces told that a U.S. army force was trying to enter a building in Falastine neighborhood in search of a wanted man. “The U.S. force came under fire from another building 100 meters away. The U.S. soldiers, who revealed their identity but to no avail, had to open fire at the building,” said the spokesman. “The firing back was in self-defense,” he said, adding “after the U.S. forces entered the building, there were bodies of two policemen dressed in civvies”. The spokesman expressed the U.S. forces’ regret over the death of the two policemen, not giving more details. AmR (P)/SR 1