Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Kurdish MP criticizes demonstrators’ calls to release Hashim, Tikriti

Kurdish MP criticizes demonstrators\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Alaa Talabani, of the Kurdistani Alliance criticized the calls of the demonstrators in the western provinces to release Sultan Hashim and Hussein al-Tikriti.

In a press statement received by IraqiNews.com, she said “Unfortunately, some of the demands of the demonstrators in the western provinces are not related to the services or brining justice to the innocent people, but related to cancel the law of the Criminal Committee related to the crimes against Kurdistan Region and releasing Hashim and Tikriti who committed anti humanitarian crimes against the Iraqi people during the former regime.”

“Releasing Hashim and Tikriti is underestimation to the Iraqi blood and the victims of Shaaban revolution and Anfal,” she added.

She called “The Martyrs Ministry within Kurdistan Region to send a message to the Central Government asking it to respect the judiciary and its decision against the criminals who participated in the criminal actions against the Iraqi people,” stressing the necessity of “The participation of the KA in the ministerial committee headed by the Deputy Premier, Hussein al-Shihristani, which is tasked to discuss the demonstrators’ demands in order to achieve the balance in brining back the dismissed employees from the governmental institutions especial those of North Oil Company.”