Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Mansouri rules out Ahrar’s MPs’ led away for personal benefits provided by Maliki

Mansouri rules out Ahrar\

Baghdad ( MP Hussein al-Mansouri of Ahrar bloc associated to Sadr Trend ruled out drifting Ahrar bloc’s MPs to achieve personal interests through their relations with the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, noting that some MPs of the Sadr Trend want to achieve the public interest through their ties with Maliki.

Mansouri told Iraqi News “MPs of the Sadr Trend are far away from the temptations of the excutive authority but they seek to facilitate some things for the citizens through their relations with the executive authority.”

“The Sadr Trend’s MPs do not bargain on account of the citizens’ interests,” he added.

The Premier Maliki tries to propitiate the Ahrar bloc MPs and the Sadr Trend’s to be able to penetrate the Trend, but the Sadr Trend’s MPs do not bargain on account of the citizens’ interests,” he concluded.