Tuesday, September 24, 2024


MP describes 2013 General Budget as Political

MP describes 2013 General Budget as "Political"

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Nahida al-Diani, of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee described the General Budget of 2013 as “Political.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com), he said “There is no economic vision in Iraq due to the lack of the economic planning which was supposed to be set by the economic experts as what is done in most of the countries.”

“The politicians in Iraq are setting the economic plans in addition to the help of the economic experts,” she added, noting that “The Budget is political and not economic where the economic plans must be taken into consideration such as the Human Resources and the lack of services in the provinces.”

“Settling this issue can be achieved by forming a Supreme Economic Council in addition to the consultation of the foreign experts and the variation to the economic incomes in Iraq,” she concluded.