Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq terror caused by occupiers, Khamenei tells Maliki

BAGHDAD / Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said current problems in Iraq, including terrorism, is caused by the “occupiers,” according to Iran’s Fars news agency. Khamenei noted to visiting Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki Sunday that the survival of Iraq rests in the solidification of mutual bonds between the Iraqi government and different sects and denominations in the country as well as expansion of relations with its neighbors. “The Iraqi government must consider the faith, bravery and dignity of its people as a large asset,” Ayatollah Khamenei added. He assured Maliki that Iran seeks the dignity, independence, tranquility and progress of Iraq and would spare no effort in this regard. “The presence of American and British forces inside the country was the key source of problems including terrorism and internal schism,” he said, adding that the Iraqi people would have no carefree time as long as U.S. lingers in Iraq. In the meeting, also attended by Parviuz Davoudi, Iran’s first vice president, Maliki described his meeting with Khamenei as highly fruitful for the Iraqi people. Maliki had left Baghdad on Saturday (Jan. 3) to Iran at the head of a delegation comprising a number of ministers on a two-day visit to the Islamic republic. He had met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Davoudi and other senior officials to discuss means to push forward bilateral relations and increase the volume of trade exchange between the two countries. The Iraqi Premier described the two countries’ relations as brotherly and progressive, adding that the expansion of bilateral ties between Iran and Iraq in economic and political arenas could present a model to the whole region. AmR (S) 1