Friday, September 20, 2024


IIP holds int’l community responsible for Gaza attacks

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Islamic Party on Sunday held the international community responsible for Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, criticizing the positions of “major” countries, according to a statement by the IIP. “The IIP holds the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), the UN, the European Union (EU) and countries of the world responsible for the heinous crimes being perpetrated by Israel against the people of Gaza,” read the statement as received by news agency. The Iraqi government had condemned on Saturday (Jan. 2) Israeli army raids on the Gaza Strip, the most densely-populated area in the world, and called for ending military operations, avoiding endangering civilian lives and refraining from the collective punishment policy. The Iraqi air force on Wednesday (Dec. 31) sent four flights to the Egyptian city of al-Arish to dispatch humanitarian and medical aid to the people of Gaza, who have been coming under Israeli attacks for days now. The Sunni IIP criticized in its statement the “stands of major nations like the United States and EU countries that have described the aggression as a defensive operation”. AmR (S) 1