Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Kurdish MP accuses Maliki’s coalition of undermining Kurdistan Region’s economy

Kurdish MP accuses Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP Ruz Mahdi of the Kurdistani Democratic Party accused the State of Law Coalition of attempting to undermine the Kurdistan Region’s economy.

Mahdi told Iraqi News “The majority of the leading figures of the SLC seek to undermine the Kurdistan Region’s economy and disturb its economic movement.”

“The federal budget was approved according to political agendas where the Iraqi street was mobilized against the Region and its share of the budget,” he added stressing “The purpose behind this behavior is to cover the failure of the central government in the investment, reconstruction, and service sectors.”

Mahdi continued saying “We will appeal the ratification of the federal budget law for it did not include the item of paying the dues of the oil companying working in Kurdistan Region.”

“The goal behind this act is to dissuade the foreign companies which found Iraq a good ground for investments and productive work,” he concluded.