Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Sadrist MP calls Maliki to resign

Sadrist MP calls Maliki to resign

Baghdad ( MP Hassan al-Mansouri of Ahrar bloc associated to Sadr Trend called the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki to resign due to his failure in providing the services and security to the citizens.

Mnsouri stated to on Monday “Maliki proved great failure in providing services and security, therefore he has to quit his post along with the other failed officials, but Iraq lacks the culture of submitting the resignation.”

“The Premier is the one who created the crisis and he does not know how to resolve it when he released the terrorists, so he bear the responsibility of what is going on in the country,” he stressed.

“Al Qaeda organization works according to the government’s cover this is obvious when the terrorists managed to storm the Justice Ministry’s building, this means that the terrorists could penetrate the security checkpoints at any place and in anytime,” Mansouri concluded.