Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq shows reservations on granting opposition Syrian seat at AL, amid heated disputes

Iraq shows reservations on granting opposition Syrian seat at AL, amid heated disputes

( Heated disputes aroused among the Arab Foreign Ministers in their preparatory meeting held in Qatari capital, Doha, which will host the Arab League, 24th round, over the representation of the Syrian opposition for the Syrian seat in the Arab League.

Media sources reported “Heated debate sparked among a number of Arab countries’ representatives about granting the Syrian opposition the seat of Syria in the AL. The conferees are divided into two sides, the first one headed by Qatar which calls to grant the Syrian opposition the Syrian seat while the other side which includes Iraq, Algeria and Lebanon showed reservations on this matter, preferring to keep on the Arab League’s decision related to freezing Syria’s membership in the AL, while Egypt’s stance is still unclear towards this pending issue.”

The Arab League has suspended Syria’s membership in 2011 due to Syria’s refusal to announce ceasefire which includes toppling the President, Bashar Al Asad.