Sunday, September 22, 2024


INA MP holds sectarianism advocators responsible for violence in Iraq

INA MP holds sectarianism advocators responsible for violence in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP Suzan al-Saad of the Iraqi National Alliance held the incitement advocators responsibility for the bombings that took place in last Friday which led to dozens of deaths and injuries, calling the Iraqis to show solidarity to avoid the sectarian strife.

Saad mentioned in a statement received by “The terrorist bombings that hit Baghdad in particular aim to abort the democracy in Iraq as the terrorism does not know but the language of killing and destruction.”

“Iraq’s openness on the Arab countries undermined the terrorism especially after adopting new relations with Jordon, KSA, Egypt and Qatar,” noting “Promoting such relations will harm the terrorism so these bombings came as a reaction and revenge on the government.”

Baghdad and Kirkuk provinces witnessed new spate of bombings that targeted worshipers and resulted in killing and injuring dozens.