Saturday, September 21, 2024


Allawi’s alliance denounces assassinating three of its members in Wasit


Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Alliance headed by, Ayad Allawi, condemned assassinating three of its members in Wasit province.

A press statement by the IA received by on Saturday cited “Three of the supporters of the IA were assassinating on last Friday in Wasit province by silenced weapons.”

“As usual, the security forces attributed the assassination to an unknown side which raise the question whether the government is able to protect the citizens or not,” the statement added.

“While condemning this assassination, the IA call the security forces to conduct in immediate investigation to reveal the doers rather than joining the government in being silent,” the statement pointed out.

“The assassinated members are candidates of the IA and they are Amer Ghali, Muhsin al-Dulaimi and Jabur al-Badri,” the statement concluded.