Tuesday, September 24, 2024


White National bloc rejects summoning Maliki at parliament

White National bloc rejects summoning Maliki at parliament

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The leading figure within the White National bloc, MP Aziz Shareef al-Mayahi announced his bloc’s refusal for summoning the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki in the parliament’s session of next Monday.

Mayahi pointed out that “The demand of investigating Maliki at the parliament is a clear violation for the parliament’s bylaw as the article No. 55 of the bylaw stipulates sending a request by the parliament’s chairmanship to the Premier and the latter identifies a date for the hosting session.”

“Assigning a date for the hosting session by the parliament without considering the Premier’s obligations and commitments is unacceptable, so the While bloc rejects this violation on the parliament’s bylaw,” he stressed.