Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sadrist MP holds Maliki responsible for Kuwait’s trespass on Iraq’s borders

Sadrist MP holds Maliki responsible for Kuwait\

Baghdad ( MP Hussein al-Shirefi of the parliament Ahrar bloc held the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki and the Foreign Minister responsibility for the continuity of Kuwait’s transgressions on the Iraqi borders.

Shirefi said in a press conference on Tuesday “The violations and the trespass of Kuwait on the borders with Iraq are ongoing without being confronted by any deterrent where houses are demolished for Iraqi people on pretext of applying the UN Security Council, No. 833 for 1993, which led to cut large areas of the Iraqi territories and associate them to Kuwait,” stressing “It is clear that these acts are a US-Israeli plan to weaken and control on Iraq.”

“As MPs and representatives for the people, we are not obliged to submit to this aggressive, unfair decision just to be relieved from the UN sanctions stated in the UN Charter’s 7th Chapter,” he added.

He wondered, where is the sovereignty?! the state of law?! As long as the security deterioration and the trespass on the Iraqi territories are still there, noting “If the government is unable to preserve the country’s sovereignty and territories it is not a legal government and it lacks power, so it must resign and give the space for the people to take the suitable reaction to these violations.”