Saturday, September 21, 2024


Araji: Transferring hundreds of key terrorist files to courts in provinces

Araji: Transferring hundreds of key terrorist files to courts in provinces

Baghdad ( The member of the Security and Defense Parlaimentary Committee, Qasim al-Araji, revealed that hundreds of files of the Key terrorist leaders including Qaeda were transferred to the provinces.

He stated to “The files of the key leaders of the terrorist groups were transferred from the Central Criminal Court to the courts in the provinces.”

“This procedure is dangerous and consolidates the interests of the armed groups that control some areas,” he added, without identifying the side behind this procedure.

“These files were taken from the Central Criminal Court including the file of what is called Emir of the Islamic State of Iraq in Mosul,” he mentioned.

He warned from “Some deals to be concluded in this regard that harm the reputation of the Iraqi judiciary.”