Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nijaifi demands to launch investigations over Baquba explosion

Nijaifi demands to launch investigations over Baquba explosion

Baghdad ( The Speaker of the Parliament, Osama al-Nijaifi, demanded the security bodies to “start an immediate investigation over the bombing that targeted an electoral gathering for the Iraqiya Slate’s candidates in Baquba.”The Media Office of Nijaifi quoted him as saying “We condemn with strongest terms of condemnation the terrorist attack, which targeted an electoral gathering for a candidate of the IS during his election campaign in Baquba.””The attack represents a clear image for the terrorist attempts to hinder the elections process by frightening the candidates to push them into a state of desperation,” he added.A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest targeting a gathering of IS candidate for the next elections for the provincial councils and the explosion resulted in killing and wounding about 36 persons in Baquba city of Diyala province. \END\