Friday, September 20, 2024


UN envoy condemns MP’s assassination

BAGHDAD / The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Iraq (SRSG) has strongly condemned the killing of the deputy head of the Iraqi National Dialogue Front (NDF) in a suicide bombing in the south Mosul city. “To carry a bomb into the guest house of an Iraqi dignitary and to detonate it, killing him and two of his relatives, is an appalling act that deserves the strongest condemnation,” a statement published on the official web site of the United Nations News Center quoted Staffan de Mistura as saying. The UN official called on the Iraqi government to “guarantee safe and democratic campaign for provincial elections slated to be held at the end of this month.” The provincial council elections are scheduled to take place on January 31 in 14 out of 18 Iraqi provinces. Hassan Zaydan al-Luhaibi was killed on Sunday (Jan. 18) when a suicide bomber blew himself up inside his guesthouse in al-Qayara district (80 km south of Mosul). SS (P) 1