Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Jumaili: Maliki’s threat to disturb situation over hosting him in parliament aims at avoiding embarrassment

Jumaili: Maliki\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Wihda al-Jumaili, of the Iraqiya Slate assured that the threats of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to disturb the situation in case hosting him at the parliament aims at avoiding embarrassment.

In a press statement received by IraqiNews.com on Saturday, she said “Maliki’s threats to disturb the situation in case hosting him at the parliament is unjustified,” noting that “If Maliki has corruption files against others, he should not keep hiding them and should hand them over to the judicial sides.”

“The parliament is divided into three sides where one side is supporting Maliki and the second part is accused of being involved in Article 4 of Anti-Terrorism law and the third one is opponent to Maliki that aims at getting sectarian interests,” she added.

“Maliki is searching for excuses and justifications for not attending the parliament sessions in order not to be embarrassed,” she concluded.