Saturday, September 21, 2024


Hundreds of security elements not participating in special voting in Wasit

Baghdad ( A security force stated that hundreds of the security elements of Wasit province did not participate in the special voting because they did not find their names in the electors’ records.

The source stated to Iraqi News ( “All the electoral centers in Wasit province are closed and hundreds of the security elements did not find their names in the electors’ records.”

It is worth mentioning that the special voting for the security elements has been held in the Iraqi provinces, except Anbar and Nineveh, where the number of the participating security elements arrived to 733 thousand person and the percentage of participation was 60% according to the Independent High Electoral Commission.

Some source within the IHEC announced that more than 46 of the security elements did not find their names in the electors’ records where they will have the chance to participate in the elections during the general voting that will be held on the 20th of April 2013.