Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Sadrist MP accuses Maliki of pressurizing security elements to vote for his slate

Sadrist MP accuses Maliki of pressurizing security elements to vote for his slate

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Jawad al-Jouburi, of al-Ahrar bloc within the Sadr Trend accused the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, of pressurizing and urging the security elements to vote for his slate during his statement in the official T.V Channel before holding the special voting.

Speaking to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com), he said “Before holding the special voting, the Iraqiya Satellite Channel showed Maliki for one hour where he urged the security elements to vote for his slate rather that making them vote for the slate that they want.”

“The security elements are loyal to Maliki because he is the General Commander of the Armed Forces in addition to the other instructions by the officers,” he added.

“Many security elements did not participate in the elections because their names were not recorded in the electoral records,” he pointed out, noting that “If they do not belong to the security forces, why would they be considered as security elements.”