Tuesday, September 24, 2024


MP mocks Maliki’s lack of seriousness in punishing neglectful security commanders

MP mocks Maliki\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP Hakim al-Zamili, member of the parliament Security & Defense Committee, mocked the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki’s lack of seriousness towards punishing the neglectful security leaders.

Zamili stated to Iraqi News “Maliki has stated that he will change and punish the security commanders whom in their areas security breaches had occurred, but, up to now, no one of those leaders was changed or punished, this proves lack of seriousness in changing and punishing the neglectful leaders and the security plans.”

“All the alleged investment projects are nothing but for electoral propaganda,” he added stressing that “Maliki is supposed to stay in Baghdad instead of wandering around the provinces for electoral propaganda.”