Friday, September 20, 2024


Obama reiterates vow to pullout troops from Iraq

BAGHDAD / U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday reiterated his intention to withdraw troops from Iraq. This came in an interview with al-Arabiya satellite television, the first for Obama since assuming office last week, succeeding George Bush, who led the war to topple the former regime in Iraq in 2003. Obama underlined that he will abide by the pledges he made during his campaign toward the Islamic nation, through withdrawing troops from Iraq. He said that “what we will present to the Islamic world is a hand of friendship after tensions caused by the war on Iraq and the policy of former President George Bush.” Obama has hit the ground running on Iraq and Afghanistan, imposing dramatic changes in policy in both wars within a week of taking the oath of office. The Status of Forces Agreement that the Bush administration finally concluded before leaving office with the Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gives a three-year deadline for withdrawal from Iraq by U.S. forces. But Obama in his campaign pledged to pull them out in 16 months – less than half that time.   SH (P)/SR 1