Monday, September 23, 2024


UN Envoy calls for active participation in PCs elections

UN Envoy calls for active participation in PCs elections

Baghdad ( The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Martin Kobler, emphasizes the importance of the active participation of all eligible Iraqis for the success of the poll during the elections of the Provincial Councils.

“I am calling on all women and men to cast their ballots for a better future for them and their children,” he confirmed.

“My appeal goes particularly to the young Iraqis, because you are the future of this country,” Mr. Kobler added, stressing “It is the duty of all political leaders to safeguard the integrity of the democratic process.”

Kobler underlined “consolidation of democracy will depend on the willingness of Iraq’s political leaders to collectively ensure a transparent and peaceful election, free of intimidation or political interference.” “Of equal importance is my appeal to the Iraqi security forces to remain on heightened alert and to enable voters to reach polling centers and cast their vote in a safe environment, without fear of violence,” he concluded.