Saturday, September 21, 2024


Palestine calls Iraq to release Palestinian detainee

Palestine calls Iraq to release Palestinian detainee

Baghdad ( The Palestinian Ambassador to Iraq, Daleel al-Qasoos, called the Iraqi government and the political sides in addition to the United Nations to release one of the Palestinian detainees in Iraq.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, called me and asked to release the Palestinian detainee in Iraq, Mohammed Omer Abdul Farooq,” noting that “Farooq’s mother met with Abbas and requested him to release her son of humanitarian issues.”

“As being the Ambassador of Palestine to Iraq, I will contact the Iraqi government, the UN and the Non-governmental organizations in addition to the political sides to release Farooq and we hope the specialized sides to adhere to our request,” he added

“I will seriously deal with this issue till releasing Farooq,” he pointed out, calling “The Iraqi officials to show mercy while dealing with the detainees.”