Friday, September 20, 2024


After promising quick Iraq withdrawal, Obama works through details

BAGHDAD / U.S. President Barack Obama is working toward a decision on how quickly to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq, Voice of America said on Thursday. “He has had two meetings with senior military commanders, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates said they prepared a series of options for the new president – including, but not limited to, his campaign pledge to remove most American combat troops from Iraq within 16 months,” the VOA said in a report. “Mr. Obama also said, at various times, that he would leave an unspecified number of troops in Iraq to train and support the Iraqi military, to provide security for that effort and for U.S. diplomats, and to hunt for terrorists. He also said he would listen to the recommendations of military commanders,” the report added. And most of his comments only referred to combat troops, who are, only about one-third of the 140,000 U.S. troops currently in Iraq. The rest are support units, some of which also help Iraqi forces, and U.S. officials now say some of the combat troops could be given new missions, such as training the Iraqis, which would move them out of the “combat” category. Defense Secretary Gates said that process involves a series of meetings with top military officers, including one last week and one this week, and the preparation of an options paper. “We are working on a range of options for the president that range from essentially a completion of the work of the brigade combat teams, and a transition to [an] assist and advisory role beginning at 16 months and then, at various intervals, proceeding further forward from that. And we’re drawing those out for him, along with the risks attendant to each,” said Gates. Among the risks, according to senior commanders and Secretary Gates, is the potential reversal of the hard won security gains of the last year-and-a-half. “Though violence has remained low, there is still the potential for setbacks, and there may be hard days ahead for our troops,” he said. Analyst Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution said President Obama needs to be careful with his Iraq withdrawal plan, and possibly put off much of the drawdown until after the series of elections in Iraq this year. “Iraq is inherently dynamic and unpredictable. And the better part of wisdom here is to allow for that in the way we shape policy. Mr. Obama can still keep a goal of getting out as quickly as possible. And even, if he wants to, keep reiterating the 16-month timeline, although I think it’s a bit optimistic. But the important thing is to preserve flexibility, watch conditions on the ground and make sure we help the Iraqis with a stable transition,” he said. O’Hanlon said President Obama is facing “a different level of pragmatic decision-making” than he had to deal with during the campaign.   He said in spite of the campaign promise of a 16-month withdrawal, politically, President Obama can afford to be careful, and even to adopt a conditions-based approach similar to former-President Bush’s policy. Many people are eager for President Obama himself to sort all this out. But that will have to wait until the current analysis and consultation process is completed. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs would not say when that will be, but he indicated it won’t be long. “I think it will be relatively soon. I don’t want to set an exact date, though I think it will be relatively shortly,” Gibbs said. President Obama is getting plenty of advice on what to do about Iraq, and how to balance needs there with calls for more U.S. troops in Afghanistan – advice from military and civilian officials, commentators and other experts. But he also made clear last year that, as president, he will make the final decisions about what is in the strategic interest of the United States. SH (I) 1