Sunday, September 29, 2024


Demonstrators call Kirkuk MPs, governmental officials to resign

Demonstrators call Kirkuk MPs, governmental officials to resign

Kirkuk – ( The People’s Committees in Kirkuk, called upon ministers and MPs from the province of Kirkuk to submit their resignations.

The committee said in a press conference attended by the correspondent of Iraqi News ( that “The premeditated intention by the army to storm the arena of the sit in Hawija began to expel the media from the area of protest and prevent it from entering the district.”

The committees pointed out that “A unified meeting will be held in Anbar, in the presence of representatives of the People’s Committees in the six provinces which witness demonstrations.”

The committees described the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Iraq Martin Kubler as “Unfaithful and dishonest,” calling him “to resign from his post in Iraq.”