Tuesday, September 24, 2024


British Newspaper: Baghdad, Washington aware of fake bomb detectors in Iraq

British Newspaper: Baghdad, Washington aware of fake bomb detectors in Iraq

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The British Guardian Newspaper revealed that Iraq and The US are aware of the fake bomb detectors that are being used in Iraq.

In its released on Wednesday, the journalist, Peter Beaumont stated “On 19 March this year, the tenth anniversary of George W Bush’s declaration of war against Iraq, I was heading into Baghdad’s ministry of the interior in search of an official from the inspector general’s office who had been involved in the investigation into its purchase of fake bomb detectors.”

“The fact that the detectors were still in use as recently as last month is despite the fact that both Iraqi and US officials have known for two years that they are useless. Indeed, the Iraqi general who procured them through five corrupt and highly inflated contracts was arrested and jailed over his own part in the affair despite attempts by a former minister of the interior to grant him immunity from prosecution,” he concluded.