Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maysan output rates of wheat, barley crops exceed expectations

Maysan output rates of wheat, barley crops exceed expectations

Maysan, Amara ( Maysan province announced that “The output of wheat and barley crops reached (221,000 Tons) in 2013.”The Advisor in Maysan Governorate for Agricultural Affairs, Hussein Hassan Mohamed, stated to “The wheat crops harvest reached (156,000 Tons) and the harvested barley crops reached (65,000 Tons) in 2013.””The territories that were sowed with wheat in 2013 are estimated with (348,000 Acres) while the territories sowed with barley reached (81,000 Acres) according to availability of waters share,” he added.”The agricultural territories have been expanded in 2013 since some of the territories were planted above the specified plan,” he pointed out. \END\