Friday, September 20, 2024


IED wounds child, body found in Samarra

SALAH AL-DIN: A child was severely wounded by an explosive charge that targeted a U.S. patrol vehicle in Samarra, a security source said, adding that a beheaded body was found in a separate incident. “This afternoon, an improvised explosive device (IED) went off near a U.S. patrol vehicle in downtown al-Dour district, seriously wounding a child, Omar Hizaa,” a source from the joint coordination center in Tikrit city told news agency. “Meanwhile, police personnel found a beheaded body belonging to a civilian with an identification card indicating that he is a local resident,” according to the same source. Samarra lies 120 km north of the Iraqi capital; while Tikrit, the capital city of Salah al-Din province, lies 175 km north of it. SS (P)/SR 1