Tuesday, September 24, 2024


MP expects SLC to get 15 seats in Basra PC

MP expects SLC to get 15 seats in Basra PC

Basra (IraqiNews.com) The leader within Fadhila bloc and member of the State of Law Coalition stated “The SLC got 15 seats among the 35 seats of Basra Provincial Council according to the initial results.”

In a press conference on last Wednesday “We expect SLC to get 16 seats in the final results for the PCs elections.”

“A number of Slates joined the SLC including the Will of Iraq Movement that has one seat, Al-Badil Movement also has one seat in addition to the seat got by the candidate of the Iraqiya Slate, Waleed Katan, who announced his split form the Slate and joining the SLC as an independent member,” he added.

“The SLC will have 18 seats which is a majority that enables it to nominate the leading figures of next Basra Local Government,” he mentioned.

“We have the desire to receive other winning blocs to form a harmonious government that can serve the people of Basra,” he concluded.