Monday, September 23, 2024


Mulla: “Calls for international investigation over Hawija events not target Iraqi sides”

Mulla: \"Calls for international investigation over Hawija events not target Iraqi sides\"

Baghdad ( MP Haider al-Mulla of the Iraqiya Slate considered that “Demands for forming an international investigation committee over Hawija events is not meant against any certain side in Iraq.” Mulla said to the reporter of Iraqi News ( “Iraqi blood is a critical issue and we think that demands to form an international investigation committee from the International Board for Human Rights in Geneva over the events of raiding protests yard in Kirkuk are not meant against any certain political side in Iraq since Iraq is an active member of the United Nations.”

“We believe that the resolutions of the investigation committees, which considered the victims as martyrs and honored the killers, represent a method for procrastination and an attempt of conspiracy,” he added.