Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Investigations prove Mohsin’s involvement in corruption

Investigations prove Mohsin\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Parliamentary Investigation Committee confirmed on Monday the “involvement of the General Inspector within the Ministry of Health and his wife, with financial and administrative corruption and demanded to refer them for justice.”

The Chairman of the Committee, Hassan al-Jubouri, said in a press conference held in the parliament and was attended by the correspondent of Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) that “Investigations the report done by the investigation committee the involvement of the inspector general within the Health Ministry, Adil Mohsin, and his wife with financial corruption through taken bribes from companies, as well as wasting of public wealth through exceeding the authorities in addition to the involvement of Mohsin’s wife, who works in the Contracts Department within the Ministry of Health through the use of her authority within the contracts Office.”

MP Jubouri called to refer the general inspector of the Ministry of Health and his wife and a number of employees in the ministry to the prosecution and the Integrity Commission.