Saturday, September 21, 2024


Diabetes hospital inaugurated in Diwaniya

DIWANIYA / A hospital for diabetes and gland diseases was opened on Saturday in Diwaniya province, in addition to other health and services projects at a total cost of over 4 billion Iraqi dinars. “Diwaniya’s governor, Hamid al-Khodari inaugurated the two-story hospital, which includes laboratories for diabetes and ductless glands,” a local media official, Jaafar Kadhem, told “Five more stories will be added to the building,” Kadhem noted, adding that the hospital has cost 1.025 billion Iraqi dinars (1 U.S. dollar= 1,118 Iraqi dinars) thus far. Diwaniya, a Shiite province, lies 180 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. In 2002, the population of Diwaniya was estimated at 420,000. The area around the province, which is well irrigated from the nearby Euphrates River, is often considered to be one of the most fertile parts of Iraq, and is heavily cultivated. SS (P) 1