Saturday, September 21, 2024


Despite Baghdad’s rejection – 2nd group of PKK militants arrives to Kurdistan

Despite Baghdad\

( Second group of the PKK elements arrived to north of Iraq coming from Turkey according to the Peace Agreement that was concluded between Turkey and its opposition party (PKK) despite the refusal of the Iraqi government.

Informed sources mentioned that “The new group comprises ten gunmen and five gunwomen, expecting the arrival of most of the PKK gunmen during the next days.”

The military wing of the PKK announced on last Tuesday the arrival of the first group of the PKK elements to Dohouk province of Kurdistan Region.

For its part, the Iraqi government announced on last Tuesday that it will submit a complaint to the UN Security Council to protest the withdrawal of the PKK to the Iraqi territories.

While the Kurdistan Region government declared that it is the Central Government’s right to reject this act and that Kurdistan is not part of the agreement between Turkey and its opposition.