Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hakim to Kurdistan Religious authorities to stress glamorous image of Islam

Hakim to Kurdistan Religious authorities to stress glamorous image of Islam

Baghdad ( The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council , Ammar al-Hakim said ” facing sectarianism, extremism and renovation of religious discourse represent key priorities for the right delivery of Islamic thoughts,” indicating that “communication among the clergymen has a significant impact in the overall reality of cultural, social, and creates a climate of rapprochement and national and Islamic unity.”

This call came during al-Hakim’s visit to the headquarters of the Union of Islamic scholars in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region in Erbil, headed by Sheikh Abdullah Saeed Karteki today, Wednesday.

Al-Hakim, according to a statement received by Iraqi News ( today said that “The clergymen are united by the great Islam and belonging to the Messenger of Allah , Ahl al-Bayt and Sahaba (Companions),” noting that “Islam faces a fierce attack, which requires that everyone is in the same trench in front of this challenge.”

Hakim stressed that “The Iraqi society is dominated by young population which requires updating mechanisms of religious speech. “

He stressed “The attraction of mosques for the elderly requires renovation discourse to attract the youth,” emphasizing that “Religious facts cannot be delivered for them through older tools.”

The head of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council, Ammar al-Hakim arrived on Tuesday to Kurdistan in an official visit and was received at the airport in Erbil by the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government Nijervan Barzani and a number of officials from the region.