Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Maliki accuses Baath of being behind Wednesday bombings

Maliki accuses Baath of being behind Wednesday bombings

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki stressed that the sides responsible for the mass graves are the same who were involved in the bombings witnessed by Baghdad on yesterday, Wednesday.

Maliki said in the general conference for the mass graves which was held on Thursday in Baghdad “The terrorists of al-Qaeda who perpetrated the bombings of last Wednesday are financed and supported by those sides involved in the crimes of the mass graves during the former regime.”

“Regrettably, the Baath is still supported by certain sides in Iraq where the Debaathification law is not ratified yet also the judiciary did not punish those responsible for the mass graves,” he added.

He called the “Human Rights Ministry, the Accountability and Justice Bureau and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to continue reminding the world about the crime of the mass graves through holding conferences and including it in the curricula to prevent further bloodshed and violence.”