Friday, September 20, 2024


Director General of Najaf Media Network released

Director General of Najaf Media Network released

Najaf ( The specialized authorities at the Integrity Investigation Commission of Najaf province released the Director General of Najaf Media network Ali al-Muamen, who is close to the former Najaf Governor Adnan al-Zarfi, after investigating with him on corruption charges.A source of Najaf Integrity Investigation stated to “The Director General was released after investigating with him,” without giving further details over the releasing decision or whether he will be summoned for investigation again.”The specialized authorities in Najaf Integrity Investigation have earlier arrested Ali al-Muamen at Najaf International Airport while he was traveling to Iran,” the source added.”The director general was arrested for investigation with him regarding disbursing IQD (709) million, which are allocated for Najaf Construction Commission, that he borrowed to buy requirements for Najam Media Network,” the source pointed out. \END\