Saturday, September 21, 2024


SOC,Southern Tikrit explosion caused by car bomb

SOC,Southern Tikrit explosion caused by car bomb

Salah-il-Din, Tikrit ( Samarra Operations Command declared that “The explosion which targeted the Iranian pilgrims procession was caused by a car bomb rather than an Improvised Explosive Device IED in Ishaki area to the south of Tikrit city.”

A source of Samarra Operations Command reported to “The car bomb explosion targeted a bus carrying (50) Iranian pilgrims who were returning form visiting the Holy shrine of Imamen Askareen from Samarra towards Baghdad.””The explosion resulted in burning the whole bus,” the source added.Earlier, security source stated to that “An IED exploded targeting Iranian pilgrims procession in Ishaki area and resulted in killing seven Iranian pilgrims and wounding (21) others.” \END\