Monday, September 23, 2024


SLC MP denies holding deals on Kirkuk within Erbil session

SLC MP denies holding deals on Kirkuk within Erbil session

Baghdad ( MP Hadi al-Yasiri of the State of Law Coalition ,headed by the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, denied concluding any deal or compromises by Maliki with Kurdistan Region about Kirkuk during the last session of the federal Cabinet in Erbil.

President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, and Premier, Maliki agreed on last Sunday on activating the mutual commissions to resolve the pending issues between Baghdad and Erbil including the commissions specialized to consider the Oil & Gas law and the security file of the disputed areas and the general budget.”

Yasiri stated to Iraqi News ( “The Council of Ministers’ last session held in Erbil was preceded by many meetings for the Council in other provinces including Kirkuk where these sessions contained no deals or compromises.”