Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Services Committee to investigate Acting Baghdad Mayor

Services Committee to investigate Acting Baghdad Mayor

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Parliamentary Services and Construction Committee announced that it will investigate the Acting Mayor of Baghdad, Abdul Hussein al-Murshidi, due to the lack of services and the corruption within Baghdad Mayoralty.

The head of the Committee, Fiyan Khalil, stated to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) “the investigation will be for the lack of services and water in Baghdad.”

“Since receiving his post, Murshidi, did not do any service projects in Baghdad where there is a delay in the performance of the Mayoralty in addition to the corruption in most of its departments,” she added.

“The problems that took place in Baghdad are not few and the lack of water in most of Baghdad’s area is one of them where we will investigate him according to those problems,” she concluded.