Sunday, October 6, 2024


Jubouri calls IS leaders to clarify their attitude towards Kurdistan Region violations in disputed areas

Jubouri calls IS leaders to clarify their attitude towards Kurdistan Region violations in disputed areas

Baghdad ( MP Omar al-Jubouri of the Iraqiya Slate called the Slate’s leaders to clarify their silence on the violations of Kurdistan Region in the disputed areas.

Kirkuk is one of the most prominent disputed areas, at a time the Arabs and Turkmens call for mutual administration for the province while the Kurds seek to incorporate it to Kurdistan Region.

Jubouri stated to Iraqi News ( “The last decision of Kurdistan Regional Government over considering Kirkuk and the disputed areas as Kurdistani areas was not followed by any attitude from the IS leaders to reject this resolution and we do not know whether it is just a shy attitude or the IS leaders are involved in secret agreements with the Kurds.”