Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Diwaniya new PC postpones its session due to lack of quorum

Diwaniya new PC postpones its session due to lack of quorum

Diwaniya (IraqiNews.com) The new Provincial Council of Diwaniya postponed its first session of Saturday until further notice due to the lack of the quorum.

IraqiNews.com reporter stated “The session was postponed because the members of the State of Law Coalition did not attend the session.”

MP, Aziz al-Mayahi, assured to IraqiNews.com “The session was postponed because some absent sides have corruption files against them and they seek assuming the Governor post to avoid uncovering these files.”

Member of Diwaniya First Coalition, Haider al-Shimmari, stated to IraqiNews.com “Five blocs will join our alliance to become of 17 seats out of 28 to represent the majority and to form the local government.”

Jaafar al-Musawi, who split from Diwaniya Masses Coalition headed by the SLC member, Ihsan al-Awadi, mentioned “The political maturity of most of the political blocs and the differences in the viewpoints are positive sides.”