Saturday, September 21, 2024


Wasit First Alliance formed to form Local Government

Wasit First Alliance formed to form Local Government

Wasit ( Wasit First Alliance was formed in Wasit province on Saturday to form the Local Government excluding the State of Law Coalition.

The member of the Alliance, Hashim al-Zamili, stated to “The Alliance involved Citizen bloc, Ahrar Coalition, Loyal Hands Gathering, Social Justice State, Khair Walataa Slate, Iraqiya National Coalition, Just State Trend, Civil Democratic Alliance as well as Faili Kurds Slate.”

“This alliance represents the majority of Wasit Provincial Council with its 21 seats out of 28,” he added.

“The PC will hold its first session on next Sunday to nominate the Governor and the PC Chairman,” he mentioned, stressing “Governor Post was granted to Ahrar Coalition while the PC Chairman post was given to Citizen Coalition.”