Monday, September 23, 2024


Urgent – Barzani to visit Baghdad soon to activate Erbil agreement

Urgent...Barzani to visit Baghdad soon to activate Erbil agreement

Baghdad ( MP Mahdi Haji of Kurdistani Democratic Party revealed that President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani will visit Baghdad soon to discuss the political crisis in Iraq.

The Premier, Nouri al-Maliki had visited Erbil, capital of Kurdistan Region, on last Sunday where he met with Barzani and held the federal Cabinet’s session there.

Maliki and Barzani announced post their meeting their agreeing on activating the mutual commissions to settle the pending issues between Baghdad and Erbil.

Haji told Iraqi News ( on Sunday “Barzani will visit Baghdad soon where he will try to bring views closer with Baghdad leaders to pave way for settling all the problems.”

“Barzani will try to persuade the political sides including the Iraqiya Slate to join the common political work,” he added noting “The situation is suitable now for Barzani to play significant role in agreement with Maliki.”