Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sadr congratulates Rawhani on his election as President of Iran

Sadr congratulates Rawhani on his election as President of Iran

Baghdad ( The head of the Sadr Trend, Muqtada al-Sadr congratulated the new Iranian President, Hassan Rawhani on electing him a President for Iran.

Sadr mentioned in a statement received by “We would like to congratulate you on toping the Presidency, wishing you all the best, and for your country, all the stability and peace.”

“Oh, dear Iranian people the USA and Israel are seeking to harm you with all means, so beware of these schemes thorough consolidating your unity under the banner of Islam and the wise leadership,” he added.

The Iranian nominee, the moderate clergyman, Hassan Rawhani won the Iranian presidency elections which was concluded on 14th of current June when he won 17 million votes.